
Find here a selection of links to various sound archives and videos showcasing my work.

Poetry Quartet.

This video was made by the Slovak poet and editor, Jãn Gavura, who invited me to take part in a short poetry festival called ‘Poetry Quartet’ in 2016. The reading took place in the kitchens of the imposing medieval Spiš Castle in eastern Slovakia. I read mainly from Some Women which Ján had just translated into Slovak.


Above is a link to the Poetry Archive recordings of some of my poems. The Poetry Archive is a wonderful resource if you want to listen to poets reading their works alound and has an exceptional and ever-growing list of modern and contemporary poets on their books.

This is a short film featuring some of my work which was made by Czech TV in 2014. In that year, I and fifteen other Scottish writers were invited to take part in an annual festival of writing — ‘A Month of Readings’ — which took place at various venues in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. In preparation for the visit I was asked to write a poem on the theme of ‘The Loch Ness Monster’.

Below is a link to more recordings of my work in another sound archive. The Archive of the Now is curated by Angela Brady at Brunel University and it focusses on recordings by poets associated with innovative English language poetry movements.

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